Breakthrough to Your Success!

$3,000.00 USD

Complete your purchase and begin your journey to breaking through to success in your business and life!

What you'll get:

A group coaching program designed to help you finally breakthrough to your success in life and business. Get the tools you need to achieve your life and business goals and discover your own recipe for your success. Our work together will help you get clear and create the action you need to generate more income and create success in life and business.

  • Three months of group coaching
  • Ways to shift your behaviors and beliefs 
  • Let's Create Your Vision program
  • Clarity and focus on your next steps
  • Clarity of your offer/work and a plan to activate your process to create the success you desire
  • Unconditional positive regard as you build your worthy dreams
  • Bonus Programs
    • 30 Days of Daily Inspirational Messages sent to your inbox! 

Enroll Today.

The next cohort begins late August. All sessions will be recorded and made available to you.

Please be sure to click the subscribe button when completing your purchase to receive emails and updates about the program.

What People Are Saying:

I was fortunate enough to be introduced to Trena in the spring of 2020. It was a meeting of creatives who possibly could collaborate with one another artistically. Little did I know that over the next few months Trena would coach my current consulting company out of my head and heart, and into the world at large. Trena focused on the collaboration aspect of our initial meeting by actively listening to my story, asking deep and meaningful questions, helping me get support mentally for some of the deeper blockages to my success, and then coached me along from a business perspective. I generated close to $30,000 in the first two months after the launch of my business. As I grew and my company began to flourish, we came to the conclusion that I needed more marketing. Trena pulled together one of the most caring, insightful, and powerful teams that helped me organically grow my business. Again leading me to generating over $30,000 in one month. The focus wasn’t the money, it was my purpose, my talents, and me as a human being. When those components were nurtured, the money followed. I am eternally grateful for all I have learned and continue to learn from working with Trena and her team. Please do not hesitate to contact me for more information about this dynamic, loving, compassionate, powerful, and talented woman, Trena Bolden Fields.

Matthew Reynolds

I could never have started and finished my first screenplay, in 14 years, without you cheering me on. Your insight is amazing. You always get me to think outside the box. You always manage to get straight to the heart of the matter. You're the best, Trena. Thank you!

Atlas Phoenix

Trena’s coaching changed my life. The beauty of her coaching is that it will be different for every person. She pulls at the answers already inside of you. She helped me get to a whole other phase of my life that I would not have accessed without her coaching. This is what Trena did for me. Trena got me to a whole other phase of my life, after seeing her for 6 months. I did not come to Trena trying to necessarily “get” anywhere. In fact, I was skeptical. I felt comfortable with my life and saw no way in which she could help me. But my first session, I cried like a baby. She helped me to see an area of my life that was screaming for attention: relationships. Our next coaching sessions were all about how I could bring the kind of relationships I wanted in my life closer to me. Trena helped me embrace my love and passion to teach and work creatively with young people, and we just kept going. I developed a whole identity as a teaching artist that I could not without Trena, and that has broadened. Trena helped me to plant the seeds for a whole new turn in my life that keeps growing. I am increasingly finding challenge and satisfaction in my life and love, and much of it I owe to Trena. Trena helps point you to the issues you need to address; she helps you clarify and focus on what is important; she helps you to embrace what you need to, and she helps you pull out an action plan and establish the accountability with her that you deem necessary.

Alanna Morris

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